Care for your skin. Avoid the trauma of blood pressure checks, IV’s, blood draws and injections on the limb at risk or the affected area whenever possible. Moisturize, use sunscreen, bug repellent and gloves (in the sink or garden etc…) to avoid injury to or infection of the skin.
People who have Lymphedema are at increased risk for infection (cellulitis) in the area that has Lymphedema. Openings in the skin may allow bacteria to enter and spread in the protein rich fluid of the area that has lymphedema present. If you have warm, red, sore skin and /or feel headache or nauseous you may have an infection and will require antibiotics immediately. Contact your physician or go to an emergency department.
Avoid tight clothing, jewelry or straps that leave indentations in the skin of the affected area.
Increased body weight will complicate Lymphedema. Exercise regularly (i.e.: daily walking, swimming, yoga, biking etc…), and eat a healthy diet.
You are not restricted from sporting or vigorous activity but you should be mindful of your affected limb and approach new heavy activity gradually. Build up strength gradually over time in order to be well prepared for the activity in which you wish to participate.
Travel Packet:
- Compression garment to support the lymphatic system in the affected limb
- Antibiotics
- Antihistamine
- Dove soap, low ph lotion
- Alcohol pads
- Band aids
- Polysporin
- Sunscreen
- Insect Repellant
Please click here for more information on reducing your risk of developing lymphedema.